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sv: Gearkasseolie R380 (17-02-2012 19:24:06)
Paul Sehstedt #0027, reg. sjyl
Dette fandt jeg på en RSA-side, men prøv et kig i Klubbutikken, kan være, bestyreren har noget på hylden, du kan bruge.
Kan han ikke, så prøv , som er min leverandør for den efterhånden sjældne 20/50 og til adeles fornuftig pris...


The ideal lubricant for the R380 Gearbox should meet with the following criteria:

v Full Synthetic

v API GL-4

v SAE 75W80

Land Rover prescribes in my Service Manual that lubricants with Dexron II specification should be used. This is oil that has been used for automatic transmissions (Red oil). According to Castrol this indicates that the R380 gearbox is rather more viscosity sensitive than performance level sensitive, in other words it’s something like a manual transmission calling for engine oils. During 1998 they have changed the main gearbox lubricant to Texaco MTF 94. With this they have changed the specifications to a GL-4 lubricant with viscosity 75W80, although my Service Manual still prescribes that oil with a specification of ATF Dexron IID be used. In any case, the only other oils I could find with similar specifications are:

Castrol VMX (Semi synthetic) 75W80 GL-4

Fina Pontonic TI (Semi synthetic) 75W80 GL-4

Shell Spirax (Part synthetic) 75W80 GL-4

Castrol also recommends that Castrol VMX 80 be used in the main gearbox (R380). That is why Land Rover uses VMX in the main gearbox.

The ideal lubricant for the R380 is undoubtedly Texaco MTF 94. It is marketed in the RSA as Caltex MTF 94. Land Rover has done extensive research on this oil and it is the best. The specifications of MTF 94 are as follows:

Texaco MTF 94 (Full synthetic) 75W80 GL-4

I have full specifications on MTF 94 if you would like to get hold of it. You will find MTF 94 at Caltex Depots around the country.


According to the specifications prescribed by Land Rover a GL-4 or GL-5 oil can be used in the transfer case. Castrol recommends that VMX 80 also be used in the transfer case. It is mild pressure oil and is developed by Castrol to improve cold gear shifting. VMX 80 and MTF 94 have the same specifications as far as API service category and SAE viscosity grading are concerned. If you are going to use a GL-4 oil, I would recommend that you preferably use MTF 94 for the transfer case as well.

On the other hand. Since the transfer case like the differentials are under enormous pressure when using low range and since the transfer differential is not separate from the transfer case my recommendation will be to rather use thicker oil with more EP additives. In my view the transfer case of the Land Rover is nothing else than a third differential rather than a second gearbox. This calls for the service category GL-5. Castrol and Caltex Australia also recommend this.

In my view the ideal oil for the transfer case should meet with the following criteria:

Full synthetic

SAE 75w90


However the following oils may also be used:

Castrol EPX 80W90 GL-5

Caltex Thuban GL5 EP 80W90 GL-5

Shell Spirax ASX (Synthetic based) 75W90 GL-5

Habot (Full synthetic) 80W90 GL-5

The ideal oil for the transfer case as far as I am concerned is Castrol SAF-XO. The specifications are as follows:

Castrol SAF-XO (Full Synthetic) 75W90 GL-5

In the Pretoria region you can order this oil from Oom Jan or Emiel at Midas in Centurion.

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