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sv: sv: sv: Tank på specialmål. (20-02-2012 23:11:44)
Jens Sigurdson
Fra detajlforskrifterne 2011:

Brændstofbeholder og -ledninger skal være fremstillet af sejt og slidstærkt materiale, der er modstandsdygtigt over for brændstoffet og over for varme.
Brændstofbeholder skal være fremstillet af ikke brændbart materiale eller opfylde de konstruktive bestemmelser i annex 5 til ECE-regulativ 34. Alternativt kan brændstofbeholdere fremstillet af plast godkendes, såfremt de opfylder de konstruktive bestemmelser om brandbestandighed i bilag I, punkt 6.3.5, i direktiv
70/221/EØF som ændret ved 2000/8/EF, eller annex 5 til ECE-regulativ nr. 34.

Køretøj med ekstra fastmonterede brændstofbeholdere kan godkendes efter følgende retningslinier:

- Motordrevet køretøj kan være forsynet med ekstra, fastmonterede brændstofbeholdere, der skal opfylde de generelle bestemmelser for brændstofanlæg.
Ved et samlet rumindhold på over 1.500 liter af alle køretøjets brændstofbeholdere kræves dog ADR-godkendelse, jf. afsnit 13.410,(ADR-konventionens pkt.

Jeg gravede faktisk de regler frem der henvises til og efter at have læst lidt i dem, er kernen eller stopklodsen om man vil at tanken skal være godkendt (mærket) efter de nye forskrifter.
Hvis man vil vide mere om hvad der gælder bliver man nødt til at finde forskrifterne for ens bils første indregistreringsår, da det er dem der gælder og evt. specielle regler.

Noget helt andet er at der anvendes plasttanke i stor stil i nye biler og det er da en klar forbedring, da de ikke ruster eller angribes af ethanol.

Vælger man at bygge en tank i glasfiber vil den have samme styrke som en tank i jern, taget vægt for vægt. Men modsat stål, punktere eller flækker glasfiber sjældent.
Der bruges glasfibertanke i både skibe og fly i stor stil.

Fibertanke har været anvendt i hele verden i mange år både som lukkede beholdere og kar.
Verdens ældste glasfiber-kar er faktisk stadig i brug. Det drejer sig om de mange glasfiber både der blev bygget lige før og under WWII.
Hvis de kan holde til at få tæsk af havet i over 70 år, så tror jeg også det er godt nok til Land Rover :-)

Jeg undskylder at det bedste jeg lige kunne finde var en knægt der laver en tank til en knallert. Men det er så velkendt og simpelt at der åbenbart ikke er nogen der har tænkt på at lave en masse Youtube videoer af det.
Hvis jeg skulle pege i en bestemt retning, så tag og ring til et glasfiber-værft. De har ekspertisen, kan sælge de rigtige typer harpiks og fiber til fornuftige penge.

Håber at svaret er uddybende nok ;-)


PS: Her er annex 5 til ECE-regulativ nr. 34 *****

1.1. The tank must be filled to its capacity with a water-glycol mixture or with another
liquid having a low freezing point, which does not change the properties of the tank
material, and must then be subjected to a perforation test.
1.2. During this test the tank temperature must be 233K " 2K (- 40 °C " 2 °C).
1.3. A pendulum collision testing fixture must be used for the test. The collision body
must be of steel and have the shape of a pyramid with equilateral-triangle faces and
a square base, the summit and the edges being rounded to a radius of 3 mm. The
centre of percussion of the pendulum must coincide with the centre of gravity of
the pyramid; its distance from the axis of rotation of the pendulum must be 1 m.
The total mass of the pendulum must be 15 kg. The energy of the pendulum at the
moment of collision must be not less than 30 Nm and as close to that value as
1.4. The tests must be made on the points of the tank which are regarded as vulnerable
to frontal or rear collisions. The points regarded as vulnerable are those which are
most exposed or weakest having regard to the shape of the tank or the way in
which it is installed on the vehicle. The points selected by the laboratories must be
indicated in the test report.
1.5. During the test, the tank must be held in position by the fittings on the side or sides
opposite the side of collision. No leak must result from the test.
1.6. At the choice of the manufacturer, all the impact tests may be carried out on one
tank or each may be carried out on a different tank.
The tank must be tested under the conditions prescribed in paragraph 6.1. of this
Regulation for leaks and for rigidity of shape. The tank and all its accessories must
be mounted onto a test fixture in a manner corresponding to the mode of
installation on the vehicle for which the tank is intended. Water at 326 K (53 °C)
must be used as the testing fluid and must fill the tank to its capacity. The tank
must be subjected to a relative internal pressure equal to double the working
pressure and in any case to not less than 0.3 bar at a temperature of 326 K " 2 K
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Regulation No. 34
page 27
Annex 5
(53 °C " 2 °C) for a period of five hours. During the test, the tank and its
accessories must not crack or leak; however, it may be permanently deformed.
3.1. The fuel used for the permeability test must be either the reference fuel specified in
Regulation No. 83, annex 9 or a commercial premium-grade fuel. If the tank is
only designed for installation on vehicles with a compression-ignition engine, the
tank shall be filled with diesel fuel.
3.2. Prior to the test, the tank must be filled to 50 per cent of its capacity with testing
fuel and stored, without being sealed, at an ambient temperature of 313 K " 2 K
(40 °C " 2 °C) until the weight loss per unit time becomes constant.
3.3. The tank must then be emptied and refilled to 50 per cent of its capacity with test
fuel, after which it must be hermetically sealed and be stored at a temperature of
313 K " 2 K (40 °C " 2 °C). The pressure must be adjusted when the contents of
the tank have reached the testing temperature. During the ensuing test period of
eight weeks, the loss of weight due to diffusion during the test period shall be
determined. The maximum permissible average loss of fuel is 20 g per 24 hours of
testing time.
3.4. If the loss due to diffusion exceeds the value indicated in paragraph 3.3., the test
described there must be carried out again, on the same tank, to determine the loss
by diffusion at 296 K " 2 K (23 °C " 2 °C) but under the same conditions
otherwise. The loss so measured shall not exceed 10 g per 24 hours.
After the test referred to in paragraph 3., the tank must still meet the requirements
set out in paragraphs 1. and 2.
The tank must be subjected to the following tests.
5.1. For two minutes, the tank, fixed as on the vehicle, must be exposed to flame. There
must be no leakage of liquid fuel from the tank.
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Regulation No. 34
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Annex 5
5.2. Three tests must be made on different tanks filled with fuel as follows:
5.2.1. If the tank is designed for installation on vehicles equipped with either a positive
ignition engine or a compression ignition engine, three tests must be carried out
with tanks filled with premium-grade gasoline;
5.2.2. If the tank is only designed for installation on vehicles equipped with a
compression-ignition engine, three tests must be carried out with tanks filled with
diesel fuel;
5.2.3. For each test the tank and its accessories must be installed in a testing fixture
simulating actual installation conditions as far as possible. The method whereby
the tank is fixed in the fixture must correspond to the relevant specifications for the
vehicle. Vehicle parts which protect the tank and its accessories against exposure to
flame or which affect the course of the fire in any way, as well as specified
components installed on the tank and plugs must be taken into consideration. All
openings must be closed during the test, but venting systems must remain
operative. Immediately prior to the test the tank must be filled with the specified
fuel to 50 per cent of its capacity.
5.3. The flame to which the tank is exposed must be obtained by burning commercial
fuel for positive-ignition engines (hereafter called "fuel") in a pan. The quantity of
fuel poured into the pan shall be sufficient to permit the flame, under free-burning
conditions, to burn for the whole test procedure.
5.4. The pan dimensions must be chosen so as to ensure that the sides of the fuel tank
are exposed to the flame. The pan must therefore exceed the horizontal projection
of the tank by at least 20 cm, but not more then 50 cm. The sidewalls of the pan
must not project more than 8 cm above the level of the fuel at the start of the test.
5.5. The pan filled with fuel must be placed under the tank in such a way that the
distance between the level of the fuel in the pan and the tank bottom corresponds to
the design height of the tank above the road surface at the unladen mass (see
paragraph 7.4.). Either the pan, or the testing fixture, or both, must be freely
5.6. During phase C of the test, the pan must be covered by a screen placed
3 cm " 1 cm above the fuel level.
The screen must be made of a refractory material, as prescribed in appendix 2.
There must be no gap between the bricks and they must be supported over the fuel
pan in such a manner that the holes in the bricks are not obstructed. The length and
width of the frame must be 2 cm to 4 cm smaller than the interior dimensions of the
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Regulation No. 34
page 29
Annex 5
pan so that a gap of 1 cm to 2 cm exists between the frame and the wall of the pan
to allow ventilation.
5.7. When the tests are carried out in the open air, sufficient wind protection must be
provided and the wind velocity at fuel-pan level must not exceed 2,5 km/h. Before
the test the screen must be heated to 308 K " 5 K (35 °C " 5°C). The firebricks
may be wetted in order to guarantee the same test conditions for each successive
5.8. The test must comprise four phases (see appendix 1).
5.8.1. Phase A: Pre-heating (figure 1)
The fuel in the pan must be ignited at a distance of at least 3 m from the tank being
tested. After 60 seconds pre-heating, the pan must be placed under the tank.
5.8.2. Phase B: Direct exposure to flame (figure 2)
For 60 seconds the tank must be exposed to the flame from the freely burning fuel.
5.8.3. Phase C: Indirect exposure to flame (figure 3)
As soon as phase B has been completed, the screen must be placed between the
burning pan and the tank. The tank must be exposed to this reduced flame for a
further 60 seconds.
5.8.4. Phase D: End of test (figure 4)
The burning pan covered with the screen must be moved back to its original
position (phase A). If, at the end of the test, the tank is burning, the fire must be
extinguished forthwith.
5.9. The results of the test shall be considered satisfactory if no liquid fuel is leaking
from the tank.
6.1. The fixture used for the test must match the manner of installation of the tank on
the vehicle, including the way in which the tank vent works.
6.2. The tank filled to 50 per cent of its capacity with water at 293 K (20 °C) must be
subjected for one hour to an ambient temperature of 368 K " 2 K (95 °C " 2 °C).
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Regulation No. 34
page 30
Annex 5
6.3. The results of the test shall be considered satisfactory if, after the test, the tank is
not leaking or seriously deformed.
The trade name or mark must be affixed to the tank; it must be indelible and clearly
legible on the tank when the latter is installed on the vehicle.
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